New Simulation Modeling Workshop for Lean Manufacturing Professionals Launching June 21-23 — Simulation Software Included

06/11/2016 6:424 commentsViews: 1

Leonardo Group Americas, a Lean consultancy specializing in Mixed Model Line Design and Mixed Model Material Management, will be leading a 3-day workshop in Genesee, Colorado from June 21-23 to introduce Lean professionals and consultants to the skills required to be a “Simulation Super-User”. All workshop attendees will receive a copy of an Excel-based simulation tool, and they can use the tool after the workshop is over to build simulation models on their own.
The goal of the workshop is to train Lean professionals and consultants on how to be “Simulation Super Users”, capable of analyzing and contributing to a variety of Simulation Modeling projects. The workshop is largely hands-on, so that attendees can quickly build practical skills that can be applied to any simulation software.
Topics include:
Building models using the Lean Simulator Excel-based software.
Applying the scientific method to the creation of Mixed Model production scheduling rules.
Testing and demonstrating the benefits of worker optimization using simulation.
How to interpret simulation output, for any simulation software package.
How to design and model production cells, lines and feeder processes.
The consultants at Leonardo Group Americas have used this software for several private manufacturing clients, including the re-design of multi-million dollar production lines for a Fortune 100 company in 2015. The upcoming Simulation Modeling workshop will be the first time this technology is available to the public, and it will only be available to workshop participants.
Simulation modeling for process improvement and production line design is becoming a requirement that every member of a Lean design team needs to be familiar with. Participants will develop expertise in simulation data definition and in the interpretation of simulation results. In addition, participants will build actual simulation models, using the Excel-based dynamic simulation software training tool. The bottom line is that every Mixed Model line design needs to include simulation modeling, in order to validate and optimize a static design, before the line is physically created.
Along with the Leonardo Group Americas team, the creator of the software, Dr. Celal Kaplan, will also be one of the workshop instructors. Workshop attendees will receive a free copy of the software.

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