Norman Bodek
Norman Bodek is president of PCS Press, a publishing, training, and consulting company. He discovered and published the works of: Dr. Shigeo Shingo and Taiichi Ohno, the inventors of the Toyota Production System. He introduced the west to Kaizen, Blitz, SMED, TPM, Poka-Yoke, Visual Factory, Hoshin, and QFD and other methodologies. In 1988 he initiated the Shingo Prize for Manufacturing Excellence with Professor Vern Buehler at Utah State University.
Most recently he co-authored a book with Bunji Tozawa titled The Idea Generator - Quick and Easy Kaizen. Through newsletters, books and 50 industrial study missions to Japan Norman discovered, had translated and popularized many of the Japanese quality tools, techniques, and technologies that transformed American industry in the mid 1980′s and 1990′s.
Norman has been a frequent instructor and speaker for organizations including the American Management Association, President Reagan’s Productivity Conference, Institute of Industrial Engineers, American Society for Quality, as well as at hundreds of conferences, seminars and in plant training events.In 1988 he initiated the Shingo Prize for Manufacturing Excellence with Professor Vern Buehler.
Norman holds a BA from New York University, has written numerous articles and editorials on manufacturing, productivity, quality, and customer service. He discovered and published the works of Dr.Shigeo Shingo, Taiichi Ohno, Seiichi Nakajima, Yoji Akao, Shigeru Mizuno, Hiroyuki Hirano, Shigehiro Nakamura and Yasuhiro Monden.