Public, private sectors urged to embrace Kaizen concept for quality production
The methodology will also help the country achieve its 2025 development vision of becoming a middle-income nation.
The advice was given in Dar es Salaam yesterday by the Minister of Industry, Trade and Investment, Mr Charles Mwijage when he officiated at the second Kaizen Award Ceremony.
“The Kaizen methodology is among the most important tools in the management of manufacturing sector. It is the key to Japanese competitive success…it has been implemented in organisations around the world to improve production values while at the same time improving employees’ morale and safety,” he noted.
The minister said the methodology guarantees improvement of quality and productivity, the critical attributes of successful manufacturing, adding that the methodology has a critical role to play in accelerating the country’s industrialisation drive.
“Companies without a firm base in quality and productivity can hardly survive in the global environment with unprecedented competition…Kaizen is the scientific tool that the government has decided to use to achieve the country’s economic transformation through industrialisation,” he said.
The governments of Tanzania and Japan through Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) are jointly implementing the programme.
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Embassy of Japan Masaharu Yoshida described Kaizen as a practical programme in industrialisation, adding that the programme would not only help the manufacturing sector but also in the service sector.
JICA Chief Representative, Mr Toshio Nagase said Kaizen is the principle and practical method of improving quality of productivity of an enterprise.
“After the official launch of the Second Five Year Development Plan, all of us recognised the importance of industrialisation towards socio-economic development of Tanzania,” explained Mr Nagasa, adding that Kaizen was originally hatched in Japan and has been the key success factor of competitive enterprises like TOYOTA and is now widely embraced all over the world.