WFSGI Manufacturers Forum 2015 Goes Beyond Lean Manufacturing

09/12/2015 8:160 commentsViews: 1

The WFSGI expects an high level international audience, deriving from over twenty countries. This year’s event will not only focus on the more technically orientated topics but also on Corporate Responsibility in its many aspects. During the two-day conference the audience will have the opportunity to interactively participate in workshops and raise questions to the keynote speakers with regard to circular manufacturing, lean production, reduction of labor intensive production as well as workforce education and human-centered manufacturing.

Ideas and networking
“The WFSGI Manufacturers Forum is a great source for innovative ideas that can be implemented into production on a short-term basis. But also it provides an excellent networking opportunity where you can discuss long-term visions with people from the entire sporting goods industry, who share the same perception for the future as you do”, says Phil White, Chairman of PON Bicycle Group.

Keynote speakers are:

Carsten zur Steege, MD of Bosch Automotive (Thailand) Co., Ltd. will present a novel and holistic approach to lean production.
Prof. Steve Evans from University of Cambridge will present the idea of circular manufacturing.
Gerhard Flatz, MD of tech-textile giant KTC Ltd., will be on socially sustainable workplaces where human dimension is built into the foundation.
Italian Fashion designer and known as the god-father of denim and creator of Diesel – Adriano Goldschmied – will join the illustrious circle of our keynote speakers’ line-up.
Who should register?
WFSGI Manufacturers Forum 2015 takes places in Hong Kong at the Renaissance Harbour View Hotel on December 2-3, 2015. The audience will, like at previous Forum’s consist of CEOs, COOs, CR Specialists, Sourcing Specialists from manufacturers of bikes and bicycle components, textile/apparel, footwear, hardware and retailers.

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